Why Hire An Air Conditioner Cleaning Service?

An air conditioner can keep the air in your home cool and comfortable when the temperature rises outside. In general, AC units make the air in your home cleaner, since you don't have to contend with the pollutants and allergens in the air outdoors. Unfortunately, over time your air conditioner can become dirty, and you'll need to take steps to remedy this. Here are four reasons you should hire an air conditioner cleaning service:

1. Dirty air conditioners can trigger allergies.

Allergists recommend that people who suffer from seasonal allergies stay indoors when there is a high pollen count outside. Typically, your air conditioner's filter removes these allergens from the air before it cycles into your house. When your air conditioner is dirty and the filter is full, these allergens can find their way inside. If you've found yourself dealing with itchy eyes, a runny nose, and sneezing fits lately, your air conditioner might be to blame.

2. Mold can grow in your air conditioner.

Mold spores are everywhere, and typically they don't pose a problem. However, when mold spores find a damp, dark place, they proliferate; that's when you end up with a mold problem. The inside of AC units is the perfect place for mold to grow. Condensation tends to accumulate in air conditioners as a result of the cold temperature. Cleaning the mold from your air conditioner yourself isn't a great idea. Mold can be dangerous for humans, and scrubbing it away isn't necessarily enough to kill the mold spores. An AC cleaning service will use a fungicidal solution to ensure all the mold spores are dead so your family can breathe easy again.

3. The inside of your air conditioner can get dirty.

Most air conditioners have a component that stays outdoors. The back end of window AC units hangs out your window, and the AC condenser of central air systems is located outside your house. Dust and dirt often blow around outside, and these particles can find their way into the vents in your air conditioner. Over time, they can clog up your AC's motor. An air conditioner cleaning service will open up your AC unit and carefully vacuum away debris. They will also clean your AC's coils and compressor. You should leave this job to the professionals, since it's easy to damage your air conditioner by applying too much water or bending a crucial component.

