Landscaping Your Yard? 4 Healthy Reasons To Plant Sea Buckthorn Bushes

If you're in the process of landscaping your yard, and you want to add plants that provide additional benefits beyond appearance, you need to include sea buckthorn shrubs in the plans. Sea buckthorn shrubs don't just provide aesthetic benefits to your yard, they also provide healthful benefits for you and your family ā€“ specifically the sea buckthorn berries. You might not realize this, but the berries on your sea buckthorn shrubs provide a wide variety of health benefits. Here are just four of the reasons why you need to have sea buckthorn shrubs in your yard.

Great for Your Skin

If you're looking for a way to keep your skin healthy, look no further than the sea buckthorn berries. These berries promote rapid healing of skin wounds, eliminate dry skin, and help reduce the symptoms associated with contact dermatitis. You can either eat the berries, or rub the berry juice right into your skin. This is extremely beneficial when you're working in the yard. If you scratch up your hands while you're working in the garden, simply apply some of your sea buckthorn berry juice to the affected area.

Provides Plenty of Protein

If you're trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, finding good sources of protein can be difficult. Unfortunately, your health can suffer if you don't get enough protein in your daily diet, which is where your sea buckthorn shrubs come into the picture. Sea buckthorn berries provide plenty of protein, as well as essential amino acids. Adding sea buckthorn berries to your daily diet can help you get the protein you need to stay healthy.

High in Healthy Fats

If you're like many people, you might think that all fats are unhealthy. However, that's not the case. In fact, there are some fats that your body actually needs for maximum health benefits; those are the healthy fats. Sea buckthorn berries are rich in healthy fats, including Omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health, weight loss, and anti-inflammation. If you're looking for a good source for healthy fats, add a few sea buckthorn shrubs to your yard.

Excellent Source of Vitamin C

If your family is hit hard each time flu season rolls around, you need something that will boost your immune system. One way to boost your immune system and help you avoid the flu, and those seasonal colds, is to increase your intake of Vitamin C. In addition to eating more oranges, and taking your daily Vitamin C tablet, you should also add sea buckthorn berries to your diet. Sea buckthorn berries are an excellent source of Vitamin C.
