When professionals work in confined spaces, there can be specific dangers present associated with getting trapped within a certain space. If a person gets trapped, these steps should be followed in order to get that person to safety. Here is a look at the general steps of confined space rescue.
1. Determine whether the rescue is time-sensitive or non-time-sensitive.
A confined space rescue that is "time-sensitive" essentially means that the situation is considered to be an emergency. The situation may be an emergency if the person who is trapped is directly in danger due to injuries, lack of oxygen, or other factors. A "non-time-sensitive" rescue is not considered to be such a pressing emergency; the individual may not be in imminent danger but simply trapped and unable to get out. Understanding the difference is important because it will determine the steps that you should take as you proceed with the rescue.
2. Get safety apparatuses to the individual in the confined space.
If the individual who is stuck in the confined space does not have on a harness, efforts should be taken to get a harness to the individual. It can be nearly impossible to get a person out of a tight area by hand; a harness allows the person to be connected to lifting equipment as needed. Likewise, the individual may need other safety devices to help them, such as an oxygen mask to help them breathe. Getting these devices to the person is most often easier to do than getting a confined space rescue team to them, so the items should be sent first before the team proceeds to do the rescue.
3. Examine the configuration of the confined space.
Once you have made sure the individual is okay and have given them the safety equipment they need, it is time to assess the confined space. You will have to look at:
- Where the most logical entry points are to the confined space
- What type of equipment you need to get into the space and how would be best to do so
- How you will maneuver yourself and the trapped individual once in the confined space
A professionally-trained confined space rescue team may take several moments to create a plan of action to pull off the rescue. It is much better, if time allows, to make a plan before entering into the space so you can handle the variables better once inside. For more information about a confined space rescue, contact a local rescue team.