Collecting less payments than anticipated, hours clocked in that don't seem to correspond with work duties, and unusual behavior may lead you to suspect that one of your technicians is stealing from your company and not completing the duties that have been assigned to them. You can always interrogate the person, but this could lead to ill feelings or the threat of a lawsuit, if you are wrong about your suspicions. A private investigation firm will provide you with professional guidance.
Tracking Movements Is Imperative
You have a business to run and probably don't have the time to follow your employee on a daily basis. Even if you were able to keep tabs on the worker, it may seem rather peculiar to them if they notice that you are present at every worksite that they have been assigned to. To further delve into the possibility of a theft, consult with a private investigator. Give the investigator a description of the daily situation that you have been dealing with and information about your employee's behavior.
An investigator will use surveillance equipment and tracking devices to determine what is occurring during business hours. If you decide to hire an investigator, you need to supply them with the employee's name, a photograph, or a description of the person, the make and model of the company vehicle that they are responsible for driving, and an outline of the job tasks that are soon going to be delegated.
Patience Is Necessary
An investigator needs to move slowly and steadily when tracking what your worker is doing. You don't want their cover to be blown or your worker to become aware that they are being scrutinized. Try to be patient during the investigation process. You want to know the truth and this is going to take some time to uncover.
If you would like the company vehicle to be tracked while the technician is handling field calls, have a GPS installed under the dashboard. This tracking device will verify whether your employee has been showing up for service calls and will reveal additional stops that are made while en route to a job site. Footage, including audio and physical recordings, will help you determine if there are any other parties who are involved with your technician's daily activities.
Maybe there is a reason for the odd behavior that your worker is exhibiting or maybe he or she is truly guilty of stealing from you. Once you find out the truth, you will be better equipped to handle the situation, which may involve terminating your relationship with your employee or providing them with a formal warning and the opportunity for them to explain themselves to you.
For more information, contact companies like Star Quality Private Investigations.